The Quran:-
Quran It means reading (Lecture, Discourse) ; from Hebrew (Miqraa).
This word is identical to the one used in Hebrew to describe the Pentatuch (Torah), the Five Books of Moses which is Miqra (meaning to read). Even the title of the holiest book of the Muhammadans - like almost everything else in their beliefs - is derived primarily from its Hebrew precedent, the Torah.
Sura 85:22 and its interpretations, allege that the Quran is supposed to have been written on a Tablet - from before the beginning of creation- that predicts the destinies of every living and none-living object.
For an allegedly divine text, the Quran exhibits an allusive, chronologically disorganised, historically incorrect, grammatically and lexically difficult book.
Muhammadans hold that their faith came directly from Allah. The Quran and all their tenets were 'revealed' by Gabriel from Allah to Muhammad. Much of their faith is also built upon Ahadith (Traditions) handed down by his followers.
The Shi'a Muhammadans differ from the Sunnis as to much that is told us by Traditions; therefore, our arguments have to be based mainly on the Quran which is accepted as divine by every Muhammadan of whichever sect, and on such traditions as is comfortable thereto. As for the Quran, it is held to be of eternal origin, recorded in heaven, and lying as it does there upon the "Preserved Table"
85. 21" This is a glorious Quran
22 (inscribed) in a Tablet preserved [Lawhun Mahfooth] "
*** The Quranic tablets are in similitude to those that Moses brought down at Mount Sinai as the Tablets of the Law.
Even the concept of a written Tablet - like most of the other important ideas and precepts of the Quran - is plagiarised from the traditions of the
Jews ***
Thus Allah alone is held to be the "Source" of Muhammadan Islam.
Since this is the case, then all efforts to find a HUMAN origin for any part of it would be in vain.
Now, if we can trace the teaching of any part of it, to an earthly source, or to human concepts and ideas existing PRIOR to Muhammad's age, then the alleged divine origin of Muhammadan Islam collapses at once to the ground.
It therefore behooves every true and enlightened Believer, with the utmost diligence, to test whether this claim be true or not. If their opponents can bring to light no human sources, they may contend that by admission Muhammadan Islam is indeed divine; but if otherwise, they cannot but perceive what a fatal conclusion must be drawn.
Let us then test the assertions of those who hold to the existence of human sources, and see whether any portion of the doctrines and tenets of 'Islam' can be traced to other Faiths, Beliefs and Traditions preceding Muhammad's age, or existing at the time.
The Quran asserts that it was the angel Gabriel who recited its contents to Muhammad (Surah 2:97)
2: 97 Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel for he brings down the (revelation) to thy heart by Allah's will a confirmation of what went before and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe.
Hence Muhammad received the Quran SECOND HAND and not directly from Allah.
On the other hand, Moses received the Torah directly ' FACE to FACE' from God. He was after all, not only Rasul'ul Allah and his Prophet but also 'Kalim'ul Allah' - he who talked directly to Allah - while Muhammad was only 'Rasul'ul Allah' - the messenger of Allah.
Moreover, Gabriel is one of the Hebrew angels and is the same angel who predicted the virginal and divine birth of Jesus/Messiah as mentioned in the Gospels of Mathew and Luke.
If Jesus was the predicted REDEEMER of humanity, then why would the same Gabriel turn to another person - Muhammad - to fulfil God's will?
Does this mean that Jesus had failed in his mission and a new replacement was necessary?
Why would the same angel Gabriel predict and serve TWO different and contradictory messengers of God, if Allah is the God of Israel and Jesus?
Since Gabriel was an angel in the Jewish tradition to start with, why would he recite Surahs in the Quran - not in Hebrew but in Arabic - that are not true reflections of those of the Torah or the New Testament but are, in an enormous number of cases, totally incompatible variations of them?
Why would the God of Israel - according to the Quranic version of events - not keep His promises to His People? Is it possible or acceptable to imply that the Almighty had been misleading them?
Why did it take Muhammad twenty-three years - the whole period of his unfinished prophetic mission - to 'reveal' the Quran while it took God forty days and nights to teach the whole of the Torah to Moses?
The Quran does not exhibit any sustained narrative; it contains nothing like the details of the biographies and stories which fill the Bible. The heroes of the Bible are reduced to mere names or footnotes in the scheme of the Quran; creatures without depth, breadth or even a 'soul' but fully laden with acrymonious and blood curdling exhortations. The angel Gabriel must have been 'high' on some intoxicant to deliver such mendacities.
Almost all of the Biblical narratives are completely changed without any reason, explanation or logic. If Gabriel were innocent of such perversions, then it must have been Muhammad or the redactors of the Quran who deliberately attended to its falsifications and tampering.
Is the Quran a divine revelation?
From the logical, historical and theological points of view the answer can only be an EMPHATIC NO.
While the Hebrew Bible records the historical and theological relationship between the People of Israel and their God in an orderly, chronologically sequential and relatively accurate narrative, that of the Quran records the PERSONAL thoughts, needs, hope, fears, lusts, hatred, anger and personally intimate matters of Muhammad ONLY.
Hence, the only remaining practical and acceptable conclusion that can explain away the vital differences between the original Biblical version of events and the current Quranic ones are:
A) That the stories of the Quran are not historical for the simple reason that they are in the form of allegories and parables to convey 'moral' or 'spiritual' truths to a pagan people who are without a recorded anchor in history. They are repeated in numerous verses and in different forms for their religious and spiritual contents.
Almost all the human characters in the Quran are two dimensional without a background and without a history who appear on centre stage from no where and go to no where. It is not surprising that Muhammad found very few converts to his 'heroes' while other 'story tellers' succeeded more than him.
B) If the above explanation is unacceptable, then the only other conclusion is that the Quran had been deliberately edited, perverted and/or corrupted by the Muhammadan theologians after his death to suit their sectarian and or political agendas.
We do not have the original versions of the Quran because they had been destroyed by its redactors a few years after Muhammad's death to cover up their tampering and not to confuse his followers by having contradictory versions.
The Quran is a simple scripture that offers no unattainable ideals. It has no mystical sacraments, no priestly hierarchy and no 'apostolic' succession. Just like in the Torah concerning Moses, Muhammad is only an ordinary human being who was divinely inspired. The similarities between the Quran and the Torah (Hebrew Bible) - which it slavishly tries to emulate - are unmistakable, numerous and the reasons are obvious and very clear.
Muhammadans, none the less, follow the Sunna of Muhammad by claiming that he is greater than Moses and gentler than Jesus and that his message is the only true one since those of the Jews and Christians have been falsified and or corrupted.
They, understandably, none the less, cannot explain how it is possible that Allah 'talked to Moses directly' but did not do so to the allegedly greatest of all the prophets, Muhammad.
Instead, he received his 'revelations' indirectly and second hand through the Hebrew angel, Gabriel. They cannot refute or explain away the fact that the 'traditions' provide for the individual Quranic verses an enormous variety of interpretations and historical situations.
Almost all of the historical narratives in the Quran are echoes, derivatives or altered versions of those found in the Torah and Hebrew Scriptures. Not a single shred of evidence to bolster their spurious claims can be found to substantiate all the preposterous assertions made by Arab and Muhammadan scholars that pre Muhammad Arab tradition had knowledge of the characters and stories of the Torah.
It is a fact that the Quran itself repeatedly asserts, that the pagan Arabs, including Muhammad, were totally 'unlearned' [ummiyoon] and 'illiterate' of previous revelations.
The Quran is replete with SERIOUS ERRORS pertaining to histories, names, places, grammar and events that run into the hundreds.
The Biblical stories in the Quran are shorn of their extensive original narrative and are presented in a very dry and truncated form. The Quran is a testament to Muhammad's very vivid but definitely not creative imagination in story telling.
Muhammad has a proclivity for the use of dramatic dialogue peppered with invented words and verbs to rhyme but with a minimal sense for drama or action. The successive episodes and events are similar, with ad nauseum repetitive harangues, uninspiring and very boring.
In fact, the manner in which the Quran is written presupposes that the reader/listener should have a goodly and prior knowledge of some of the Biblical events since without the detailed interpretations of the verses - based on the Ahadith - it would be impossible for any reader or listener to understand its meaning or comprehend its stories even if one were a master of the Arabic language.
The ordinary pagan Arab could not at all have been interested in Noah, Moses, Job etc. but only if the Quranic message was directed towards the People of the Book
- especially in the Madina - would that have had any relevance.
If the message of the Quran is supposed to be eternal and unalterable, then many laws, rules and precepts that could have been applicable in its time are archaic in the modern, for example:
a) The rules and regulations controlling the rights, the manner of dress and work practices of women are their disfranchisement are repugnant in today's light. The discrmination against women is serious, onerous and unacceptable both morally and legally and could not have been the product of any compassionate and egalitarian divinity.
Even the verses of the Quran which were fair towards women at the beginning of Muhammad's perceived mission, were later ABROGATED in favour of men. Women in the Quran are reduced to the level of chattel and as the harbingers of evil.
It is a fact that even today, over 50% of the Muhammadans in the world, all females, are perceived as stupid creatures and treated with degradation, contempt and discrimination.
They exist in the Muhammadan world at the beck and call of men, for their pleasure and sexual gratification, for procreation, for taking care of the children and for keeping the home.
b) If the Quran were truly superior to previous revelations, then the rules and regulations pertaining to SLAVERY should have been abolished instead of being perpetuated. They cannot be applicable to any class in the modern and humane societies of today.
c) The Quranic injunctions to mercilessly kill and destroy all UNBELIEVERS
"In the Name of Allah" - in MOST of its 114 Suras - leaves one with a very hard time finding evidence of Allah's Compassion and Mercy. In fact, the Quran is full of judgement and hate but with very little mercy or compassion.
There are many more such incompatibilities in the Quran that can only prove, that
its actual legislation was a MAN MADE guiding light in its time but that it should and must change with the evolution of human society.
Contrary to all the false assertions of Muhammadan scholars, it is a fact that the Quran by itself does not give specific guidance or details to its followers about prayers, pilgrimage, fasting, punishment, alms etc and that in the end its believers have no choice but to resort to finding them in Traditions/Ahadith (Sunna) as to what Muhammad had said and done or was allegedly reported to have said and done during his lifetime.
This vast accumulation of genuine, partly true and many totally spurious traditions were assimilated, digested and put together in a collection of books called Ahadith of which six are considered canonical:
Sahih Bukhari (d.256/870)
Sahih Muslim (d. 261/ 875)
Sunan Ibn Maja (d. 273/886)
Sunan Abu Dawood (d. 275/888)
Jami' al Tarmidi (d. 279/892)
Sunan al Nasi (d. 303/915)
The narrative of the Quran displays a preoccupation with three major topics:
Previous Prophets
Final Judgement
The stories of the prophets are recounted in the Quran with invariably the same theme:
A prophet is selected by Allah
the prophet confronts his people
they reject him
they are destroyed as a punishment
by Allah's mercy, the prophet and any believers are saved
The moral being that Allah's message will endure forever and always triumphs over unbelief. This theme is repeated in the cases of Noah, Salih, Hud Abraham, Lot, Shuayb and Moses.
Most of the 'revelations' of the Quran were 'MADE to ORDER' by Muhammad since these 'revelations' invariably 'descended' AFTER an EVENT had occurred to either justify or explain it for and at the convenience of Muhammad.
The Ahadith are replete with stories that assert this conclusion.
The last Surah of the Quran - Hadith Bukhari 6:129 is the Bara'a and the last verse is 4:176 in Surah Al Nisa.
In the Hadith Tirmidi 2830 according to Umar ibn al Khattab, it was about USURY but Muhammad died without having expounded it.
The Ahadith themselves attest to the fact that there were originally SEVEN versions of the Quran before six were destroyed and only one canonised by Uthman; this shows an incredible level of contempt for the 'words of Allah'.
At the very beginning of 'Islam', the Quran was being memorised and not yet compiled into a written form especially since as long as Muhammad was alive and receiving 'revelations' - over a period of 23 years - new Suras were being added and others were being revised and or abrogared.
When Muhammad died, there existed no singular codex of the Quranic text, that is, there was not in existence any collection of 'revelations' in a Final Review form. Also, there was not a single memoriser who knew all the verses of the Quran; all these verses were scattered in the memories of tens of Huffaz, memorisers.
Without a doubt, Muhammad failed utterly in his primary mission of giving his followers a SINGLE Scripture because in reality he died without authenticating a unified codex of the Quran. The fact that he left his followers with SEVEN modes/versions of the Quran, speaks volumes about his failure.
The consequences of this failure became paramount when his followers were reciting different versions of the alleged 'words of Allah'. This failure has endured-and continues - for the last 1400 years. All attempts by his present followers to gloss over this fact are doomed to fail since the records of the Muhammadan scholars in the centuries after his death attest to otherwise.
After his death and as the memorisers (Huffath), were becoming extinct through death in battle or otherwise, Umar ibn al Khattab, recommended that it should be committed to writing. Abu Bakr entrusted the task to Zayd ibn Thabit of al Madina who used to be Muhammad's secretary.
The scattered portions of the Quran were collected from the ribs of palm leaves, tablets of white stone and from the breasts of men.
(Biography of Zayd bin Thabit; Bukhari Hadith 6:201).
All were brought together and a text was constructed. From the above quotes, it means that the pagan Arabs had not by then mastered the art of writing or the use of writing materials such as clay, papyrus, metal sheets or even skins of animals. The Arabs of the Hijaz - contrary to all the efforts of Muhammadan propaganda - were mostly illiterate and uneducated people.
In 651, Uthman bin Affan, canonised the Madina codex and ordered all others
(at least four other versions of the Quran) DESTROYED. If it were true that there were many 'memorisers' of the Quran, why then did they need to collect the Quranic verses from diverse and unrelated 'documents' such as leafstalk, bone, parchments as well as the memories of men?
What is also blatantly problematic to the Muhammadan scolars is the varaiations in the several extant Qurans of the time making it impossible to tell which version is the alleged 'word of Allah', since 'his word' should have been only ONE and not several.
In fact, there were several metropolitan codices in Arabia, Syria and Iraq with divergent readings blamed on the defective nature of Kufic script which contained no vowels, and so the consonants of verbs could be read as actives or passives, and, worse still, many of the consonants themselves could not be distinguished without diacritical dots which were afterwards added.
Moreover, a further problem which complicated the correct compilation of the Quran is the fact that there were verses which were spoken in Madina but were included in suras which began in Mecca, and vise versa.
The problem that existed and persisted during the life- time of Muhammad for his followers is the fact, that for as long as he was alive, new 'revelations' - whereby the omniscient Allah was nonetheless allegedly changing his mind - were very conveniently being added to and some subtracted from the earlier ones (Abrogated and Abrogating verses which affected 71 of the 114 Suras of the Quran).
This is why at the time of Muhammad's death there existed no singular codex of the
'sacred text'. It is also reported that some major parts of a Sura were eaten by a domestic animal.
Another Sura, that of Al Rajm, was alleged by Umar ibn al Khattab to have existed but is not included in the Quran.
The final text of the Quran was actually fixed in 933AD.
Since the Quran is supposed to be the word of Allah - who is the one who taught Moses the Torah - then the only and unmistakable conclusion for the enormous inconsistencies and differences between them must be because it was the Muhammadans who corrupted the Quran to suit their own agenda. The criminal invariably projects upon his victim his own hatreds, shortcomings and lack of morality and justice; so do the Arab and Muhammadan 'theologians'.
They have conspired over the centuries - and even at the present - to control all the information that they pass on to the 'believers' by perpetuating the myth of the perfect and divine Quran contrary to the historical, philological and theological records that prove it to be otherwise.
In fact, the greatest threat to Muhammadan 'Islam' is the acquisition of knowledge, especially of the Bible, by the masses of 'believers'.
Of 114 Suras in the Quran, only 43 were not changed . All the others had verses that were either abrogated or abrogating; this means that in the course of 23 years of Muhammad's mission, Allah changed his mind at least 71 times.
In summation, the following historical and theological facts are crystal clear and indisputable:
a) The greatest number of 'traditions' and fetishes of the 'Muslims' are nothing but a continuance, a re-packaging and 'Islamization' of pagan rites and actions that pre-existed Muhammad and his Quran.
b) Almost all the precepts and concepts of importance in the Quran have been plagiarised, plundered, pirated and/or perverted from the Hebrew Bible and Scriptures (Talmud, Midrashim etc.) ,from the New Testament and Apocrypha, from pagan Arabian religion and also from Zoroasterian religion and traditions.
Abu'l Fath Muhammad Shahrestani (479/1086-548/1153), in his valuable book on sects and religions (al Melal wa'lNihal) asserts that many of the rites and duties of 'Islam' are continuations and practices which the pagan Arabs had adopted from the Jews.
c) Even if Muhammad were illiterate (not able to read or write), does not negate his ability to compose and recite prose and or poetry. Most of the poets of Arabia were illiterate but masters of the spoken language.
The oral poetic tradition of the Arabs was their greatest legacy since they left almost nothing in the form of writing thus proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that poetry and prose in Arabia was completely independent from literacy.
d) Muhammad was surrounded by, and in intimate contact with people who professed other religions such as the Jews, Christians (North Arabian, South Arabian, Ethiopian), Sabeans, Zoroasterians and Hanifs to name a few. The Quran is full of references copied from each of the above.
e) The Quran is only a tossed salad bowl of stories, concepts and precepts plagiarised, plundered, pirated and or perverted at will from the beliefs of other peoples, to suit Muhammad's agenda of inventing a suitable Scripture for his fellow pagan Arabs to equal if not rival those of the People of the Book.
No copy of any masterpiece, no matter how well done it may be, can ever equal to, let alone surpass an original.
f) The followers of Muhammad can try their best to obfuscate, contort, pervert and twist the facts to 'prove' otherwise, but it is a Mission Impossible to accomplish.
That is why when they cannot counter the truth with facts or logic, they invariably resort to violence to silence their opponents just as was done earlier by Muhammad.
g) One of the most remarkable omissions in the Quran - as 'descended' to Muhammad - is the complete absence of any of the names of the most important women in the Bible, in the context of the Quranic stories:
Eve, the wife of Adam and the mother of mankind;
Sarah, the wife of Abraham;
Hagar, the mother of Ishmael (the alleged father of the Arabs).
This is due to the fact that Muhammad had an extremely low opinion of the female gendre as shown in the Ahadith (otherwise he had a very healthy appetite to have sex with females from the age of nine upwards).
h) The so-called Arabic Quran contains at least 118 words of paramount and vital importance that are actually totally foreign and are derived from Hebrew, Aramean, Ethiopic, Syriac, Greek, Persian and Sanskrit to name just a few.
i) Neither the Quran's eloquence nor its legal and moral precepts are miraculous since they are copies and variations from the concepts and ideas of the religions of other peoples.
In most Muhammadan countries, male children under the age of ten are required to learn by heart its 6236 verses. This prodigious feat is accomplished at the expense of their reasoning faculty which often stretches their minds to their limit by the effort to memorise it, thus reducing them to the level of a parrot since they have little left for serious thought and understanding.
Muhammadan scholars can rightly point out that the Bible itself has a lot to answer for regarding the death and destruction of other peoples in pursuit of the
Promised Land. They none the less deliberately and foolishly ignore the following facts:
1 The Biblical bloody events were sanctioned by the Almighty to befall a very limited number of peoples, in a small area of land and in a short space of time.
Neither Moses nor Jesus ordained or demanded the death and destruction of all other Unbelievers - men, women and children - everywhere on the surface of the Earth for eternity; unlike the hundreds of verses of the Quran that intruct this.
2 Although the Bible has several extremely harsh punishments to be meted out to those who break some of its precepts, the Rabbis were intelligent, judicious and merciful enough to adapt to changing circumstances and not to become fossilised and in the end extinct.
They did not follow every rule that allowed for the death sentence but made it more merciful even though they were the words of God, so as to adapt and evolve with the changing circumsatnces and requirements of different civilized societies.
This ability to change that the Jewish sages in their wisdom were able to achieve, is inconceivable and totally lacking in the minds and culture of the 'religious' followers of Muhammad. They are incapable and/ or unwilling to change a single rule in the Quran which they consider inviolate despite the fact that they follow items in the Sunna which contradict the Quran.
Unfortunately for the ordinary followers of Muhammad, - the immense majority - they do not have such intelligent theological leaders but on the contrary they have the most archaic, unbending and totally fixated demagogues instead, who believe that all of the Quran's commands are valid for all time, under any and every circumstance.
3 All the acts of murder, pillage, enslavement and wanton destruction committed by 'Christians' over the centuries, cannot be attributed to a single verse in the Gospels that can justify any of them.
The New Testament after all, is the one that demands from the followers of Jesus to "Turn the other cheek" and to "love thy enemy".
This is of course in total contrast to the numerous precepts and instructions for perpetual death and destruction to the 'unbelievers' that fill the Quran.
4 Although the Crusaders fought with the sign of the cross on their shields, not one of them could cite - nor did they - words from Jesus justifying their massacres and slaughter of civilians unlike the followers of Muhammad who can, based upon numerous verses that Muhammad's Quran ordained in the name of a totally innocent Allah.
It is imperative to point out to the readers, that the Quran is not the history of the Arabian peoples nor is it the history of Arabia, because it is actually a record of stories about an individual leader, Muhammad, his family, his relatives and his followers within the Peninsula.
On the other hand, the religious significance of the Hebrew Bible resides in the fact that it ties it to the history of a single people and the geographical actuality of a single land.
1: 2 A Book revealed unto thee so let thy heart be oppressed no more by any difficulty on that account that with it thou mightest warn (the erring) and teach the believers.
29: 45 Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee and establish Regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye do.
*** All verses in the Quran that speak of it as a Book are wrong and deceiving since the Quran was never in book form while Muhammad was alive***
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 3.601 Narrated byUmar bin Al Khattab
I heard Hisham bin Hakim bin Hizam reciting Surat-al-Furqan in a way different to that of mine. Allah's Apostle had taught it to me (in a different way). So, I was about to quarrel with him (during the prayer) but I waited till he finished, then I tied his garment round his neck and seized him by it and brought him to Allah's Apostle and said, "I have heard him reciting Surat-al-Furqan in a way different to the way you taught it to me." The Prophet ordered me to release him and asked Hisham to recite it. When he recited it, Allah's Apostle said, "It was revealed in this way." He then asked me to recite it. When I recited it, he said, "It was revealed in this way. The Qur'an has been revealed in seven different ways, so recite it in the way that is easier for you."
*** Only when it came to 'revelations' to Muhammad was Allah inconsistent, indecisive and uniquely occupied with the proclivities and needs of his servant and his followers requiring him to change his mind hundreds of times to accommodate them.
The Bible on the other hand, was revealed by the God of Israel in only ONE VERSION to a SLAVE PEOPLE, who were also Unlearned and Illiterate.
As usual with Muhammad, he, the infallible messenger, would not admit fault but blame it all on the unsuspecting Allah***
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 4.442 Narrated byIbn Abbas
Allah's Apostle said, "Gabriel read the Qur'an to me in one way (i.e. dialect) and I continued asking him to read it in different ways till he read it in seven different ways."
*** This was said by Muhammad to conveniently cover up the fact that he used to forget the contents of many verses, in which Sura he had earlier told his followers they were supposed to be and to whom he had recited them ***
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 4.709 Narrated byAnas
Uthman called Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullah bin Az-Zubair, Said bin Al-'As and 'AbdurRahman bin Al-Harith bin Hisham, and then they wrote the manuscripts of the Holy Qur'an in the form of book in several copies. 'Uthman said to the three Quraishi persons: " If you differ with Zaid bin Thabit on any point of the Qur'an, then write it in the language of Quraish, as the Qur'an was revealed in their language." So they acted accordingly. (Said bin Thabit was an Ansari and not from Quraish ).
*** This statement shows that beyond a shadow of a doubt, the language of the Arabs in the Peninsula was not monolithic but had numerous dialects and differences, contray to all of Muhammadan Muslims assertions ***
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 6.507 Narrated byAnas bin Malik
(The Caliph 'Uthman ordered Zaid bin Thabit, Said bin Al-As, 'Abdullah bin Az-Zubair and 'Abdur-Rahman bin Al-Harith bin Hisham to write the Qur'an in the form of a book (Mushafs) and said to them, "In case you disagree with Zaid bin Thabit (Al-Ansari) regarding any dialectic Arabic utterance of the Quran, then write it in the dialect of Quraish, for the Qur'an was revealed in this dialect." So they did it.
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 6.509 Narrated byZaid bin Thabit
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq sent for me when the people of Yamama had been killed (i.e., a number of the Prophet's Companions who fought against Musailama). (I went to him) and found 'Umar bin Al-Khattab sitting with him. Abu Bakr then said (to me), "Umar has come to me and said:
'Casualties were heavy among the Qurra' of the Qur'an (i.e. those who knew the Quran by heart) on the day of the Battle of Yamama, and I am afraid that more heavy casualties may take place among the Qurra' on other battlefields, whereby a large part of the Qur'an may be lost. Therefore I suggest, you (Abu Bakr) order that the Qur'an be collected." I said to 'Umar, "How can you do something which Allah's Apostle did not do?" 'Umar said, "By Allah, that is a good project." 'Umar kept on urging me to accept his proposal till Allah opened my chest for it and I began to realize the good in the idea which 'Umar had realized." Then Abu Bakr said (to me). 'You are a wise young man and we do not have any suspicion about you, and you used to write the Divine Inspiration for Allah's Apostle. So you should search for (the fragmentary scripts of) the Qur'an and collect it in one book)." By Allah if they had ordered me to shift one of the mountains, it would not have been heavier for me than this ordering me to collect the Qur'an. Then I said to Abu Bakr, "How will you do something which Allah's Apostle did not do?" Abu Bakr replied, "By Allah, it is a good project." Abu Bakr kept on urging me to accept his idea until Allah opened my chest for what He had opened the chests of Abu Bakr and 'Umar.
So I started looking for the Qur'an and collecting it from (what was written on) palmed stalks, thin white stones and also from the men who knew it by heart, till I found the last Verse of Surat At-Tauba (Repentance) with Abi Khuzaima Al-Ansari, and I did not find it with anybody other than him.
The Verse is:
"Verily there has come unto you an Apostle (Muhammad) from amongst yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty...(till the end of Surat-Baraa' (At-Tauba). (9.128-129) Then the complete manuscripts (copy) of the Qur'an remained with Abu Bakr till he died, then with 'Umar till the end of his life, and then with Hafsa, the daughter of 'Umar.
Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 6.510 Narrated byAnas bin Malik
Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman came to Uthman at the time when the people of Sham and the people of Iraq were waging war to conquer Arminya and Adharbijan. Hudhaifa was afraid of their (the people of Sham and Iraq) differences in the recitation of the Qur'an, so he said to 'Uthman, "O chief of the Believers! Save this nation before they differ about the Book (Qur'an) as Jews and the Christians did before." So 'Uthman sent a message to Hafsa saying, "Send us the manuscripts of the Qur'an so that we may compile the Qur'anic materials in perfect copies and return the manuscripts to you." Hafsa sent it to 'Uthman. 'Uthman then ordered Zaid bin Thabit, 'Abdullah bin AzZubair, Said bin Al-As and 'Abdur-Rahman bin Harith bin Hisham to rewrite the manuscripts in perfect copies. 'Uthman said to the three Quraishi men, "In case you disagree with Zaid bin Thabit on any point in the Qur'an, then write it in the dialect of Quraish, the Qur'an was revealed in their tongue." They did so, and when they had written many copies, 'Uthman returned the original manuscripts to Hafsa. 'Uthman sent to every Muslim province one copy of what they had copied, and ordered that all the other Qur'anic materials, whether written in fragmentary manuscripts or whole copies, be burnt. Said bin Thabit added, "A Verse from Surat Ahzab was missed by me when we copied the Qur'an and I used to hear Allah's Apostle reciting it. So we searched for it and found it with Khuzaima bin Thabit Al-Ansari. (That Verse was): 'Among the Believers are men who have been true in their covenant with Allah.' " (33.23)
In conclusion, the followers of Muhammad, contrary to all proofs and logic, reject the universal record of history and the Bible, but assert and believe that ONLY the Quran is true.
While 'Muslims' hold a high view for all scriptures, including the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, they demand a unique and supreme position for the Quran, claiming its ascendancy over all other scriptures, because, according to them, "initially, it was never written down by men and so was never tainted with men's thoughts or styles." it is often referred to as the "Mother of Books" (taken from sura 43:3).
Since the Quran is such a highly honoured book, it is therefore treated as if it, in itself, is holy. To enquire into its source is considered blasphemy. In most mosques, no one would be permitted to let their Quran touch the floor. Instead, every individual is urged to use ornately decorated book-stands to rest their Quran on while reading from its contents.
Muhammadans look with disfavour and are horrified to learn that Christians not only stack their Bibles alongside other lesser books, but that they write notes in the margins as well. The function of the Quran, then, seems to be in opposition to that of the Bible. This points out another clear distinction between the two faiths view on revelation.
Men and young boys who are able to memorise the Quran are highly revered due to their ability to quote, from memory, any passage from the Quran (and thus have the title of Hafidth). This can is achieved by great numbers of Muhammadan Muslims who do not understand any Arabic since memorising does not require understanding or comprehension. Although it requires years of memorising, merit is found in the rote reading of the Quran in Arabic, and not in its message.
Most Muhammadan Muslims who are not Arab or even Arabic speakers, extol the beauty of the language of the Quran, can quote certain verses, admire the beauty of the text even though they do not comprehend its contents nor its prose.
It is disconcerting that the "beauty of the Quran" has such an influence, yet its "beauty" seems, in fact, to discourage its understanding, which becomes an enemy to its mystique.
Here then is the key which points to the difference between the scriptures of the People of the Book and that of the Muhammadan Muslims .
The fact that they accord the Quran a place of reverence and worship, while memorizing its contents without necessarily understanding it, sparks of idolatry, the very sin ("Shirk") which the Quran itself warns against, as it elevates an object to the same level of reverence as Allah (suras 4:48; 5:75-76; 41:6).
In much of the Muhammadan Muslim world, leather amulets worn on the body are sold outside the mosques (sometimes called Giri-giri). Within these amulets one can find folded pieces of paper with an aya, or verse from the Quran written on them. These verses supposedly have power to ward off evil spirits and diseases. For them, the very letters of the Quran are imbued with supernatural power.
Christians and Jews stand against this view of God's written word. They believe that the power and authority of scriptures comes not from the paper it is written on, but from the words it expresses.
They believe that the Bible is merely the testimony of God's revelation to humanity, and so is not holy in and of itself. It is a text which must be read and studied, much as a textbook is read and studied in school.
Therefore, its importance lies in its content, rather than in its physical pages, just as a newspaper is read and thrown away, though the news it holds may remain imprinted on the readers mind for years to come.
Perhaps, the criticism by Muhammadans that Christians and Jews abuse the Bible is a result of this misunderstanding of its purpose. Once one understands that the significance of the scriptures as nothing more than a repository of God's word, one can then understand why Christians and Jews feel no injunction against writing in its margins, or against laying it on the floor (though most of them would not do so out of respect for its message).
The high regard for the Quran carries over into other areas as well, some of which need to be discussed at this time.
"... It no more proves its inspiration than a man's strength demonstrates his wisdom, or a woman's beauty, her virtue. Only by its teachings, its principles, and content can a book be judged rightly; not by its eloquence, elegance, or poetic strength"
(Shorrosh 1988:192).
Whereas the Bible contains much historical narrative, the Quran contains very little. Whereas the Bible goes out of its way to explain unfamiliar terminology or territory, the Quran remains silent.
In fact, the very structure of the Bible, consisting of a library of 66 books, written over a period of 1,500 years, reveals that it is ordered according to chronology, subject and theme.
The Quran, on the other hand, reads more like a jumbled and confused collection of statements and ideas, interposed many times with little relationship to the preceding chapters and verses.
Many scholars admit that it is so haphazard in its make-up that it requires the utmost sense of duty for anyone to plow through it.
The German secular scholar Salomon Reinach in his harsh analysis, states that:
"From the literary point of view, the Koran has little merit. Declamation, repetition, puerility, a lack of logic and coherence strike the unprepared reader at every turn. It is humiliating to the human intellect to think that this mediocre literature has been the subject of innumerable commentaries, and that millions of men are still wasting time in absorbing it."
(Reinach 1932:176)
McClintock and Strong's encyclopedia concludes that:
The matter of the [Koran] is exceedingly incoherent and sententious, the book evidently being without any logical order of thought either as a whole or in its parts. This agrees with the desultory and incidental manner in which it is said to have been delivered.
(McClintock and Strong 1981:151)
Even the Muslim scholar Dashti laments the literary defects of the Quran, saying:
"Unfortunately the Qur'an was badly edited and its contents are very obtusely arranged."
He concludes that:
"All students of the Qur'an wonder why the editors did not use the natural and logical method of ordering by date of revelation, as in 'Ali ibn Taleb's BURNT copy of the text"
[Dashti 1985:28].
The Quran, supposedly 'revealed' to just one man, Muhammad, during a span of a mere 23 years, seems to go nowhere and says little outside of the personal and political affairs of himself and his companions at one particular time in history.
With no logical connection from one sura to the next, one is left with a feeling of incompleteness, waiting for the story to give some meaning. Is it no wonder that many find it difficult to take seriously the claim by the Hadith that the Quran is
"a book second to none in the world," worthy of divine inspiration?
I end this section with a quote from an expert on the Quran, Dr. Tisdall, who says:
"The Qur'an breathes the air of the desert, it enables us to hear the battle-cries of the Prophet's followers as they rushed to the onset, it reveals the working of Muhammad's own mind, and shows the gradual declension of his character as he passed from the earnest and sincere though visionary enthusiast into the conscious imposter and open sensualist."
(Tisdall; Original Sources of the Quran, p27)
According to Muhammadan Muslims the Quran is the final revelation from Allah. In Arabic the Quran is also referred to as 'Al-Kitab' (the book), 'Al-furkan'
(the distinction), 'Al-mas'haf' (from Ethiopic; the scroll), and 'Al-dikhr'
(the warning), as well as other names.
For those who like statistics, you may be interested to know that the Quran consists of:
114 chapters (suras), made up of 30 parts
6,616 [6236 according to others] verses (ayat)
77,943 words, and 338,606 letters.
According to Islamic scholars 86 of the suras were revealed in Mecca, while 28 suras were revealed in Madina.
Whilst the Mosaic Law (Torah) was given to Moses at Mount Sinai which is Granite, and so were the Tablets that were written by the Finger of God, the Quran on the other hand, was 'revealed' to Muhammad in the sands of the Arabian Desert.
It had to be collated and collected from the memories of mortals, from bones, from paper, from tree bark and from chalk and written down 25 years after its beginnings; its contents are as changeable as the sands of the Arabian Desert; without a proper beginning, a middle or an ending.
Unlike the Torah, the Quran's foundations are built on Quicksand, not appropriate for solid foundations and hence is unstable, unsafe and unreliable just like a desert Mirage.
After having studied the Quran and Ahadith in depth and detail, the following observations can be made for the readers to ponder:-
1 The text of the Quran is written in a manner that assumes having a lot of knowledge of the Biblical tradition. It is impossible for any of its readers to comprehend it without this prior acquaintance.
2 As pointed out previously, the subject matter and topics within each Surah changes rapidly, without due thought or regard to continuity or logical connection.
3 There are numerous and unexplainable inconsistencies in theological themes, law and grammar.
4 There are repeated duplications within individual Surahs as well as between different ones as if the author is running out of new topics to add.
5 These differences are due to editing by various writers and by tampering with the text in its original form.
6 There are numerous ancient manuscripts of the Quran of the 8th century both from the Great Mosque of Sana, the Qurawiyun Manuscript from the mosque in Fez, and other ancient Qurans around the world, show beyond any doubt that the Quran that we have today is substantially different from what it was in the years just after the death of Muhammad.
7 From the authors about the life Muhammad beginning with Muhammad ibn Ishaq (c. 780 CE) and others following him, there are major and extremely important theological, historical and narrative discrepancies that Muhammadan Muslim theologians do their best to ignore and remove from published literature because they reflect very badly upon the interpretations that they claim to be true but in realty are blatantly false.
8 Numerous misrepresentations of the meaning of several important verses, have been turned into 'inviolate' doctrines that impinge directly and negatively on the manner Muhammadans view themselves vis a vis the rest of the world. Examples are the deliberately falsified interpretations of 9:28 and 17:1 which are used by fundamentalist Muhammadans to justify their enmity and hatred of none-Muslims and their unsubstantiated claims to Jerusalem.
9 Based entirely upon analysing and carefully researching the old manuscripts - for their grammatical, linguistic and textual construct - an important and vital conclusion is arrived at which indicates that contrary to Muhammadan theological and 'traditional' beliefs, there was no firm oral tradition running parallel to the written Quran.
10 There are numerous 'problematic' verses in the Quran such as those of plural verbs with singular subjects.
11 The manner in which the imperative 'Qul' is used in the manuscript as well as 'Qala', indicates the possibility that the Quran in earlier times was believed to be the word of Muhammad speaking and not Allah.
12 It took three centuries after the death of Muhammad before his followers turned the Quran as the 'word of Allah' into a dogma; in this manner, it became impossible - heretical, punishable with death - to challenge or doubt its 'divine' origin and hence conveniently avoid explaining the important grammatical, structural, historical and theological problems in the text of the Quran.
13 Muhammadan theologians use circular logic to 'prove' the 'divine' origin and alleged inimitability of the Quranic text. They fail to explain the fact, that the histories in the Quranic text are all mixed up and intermingled; this in itself is evidence that uncomprehending human hands have caused the discrepancies, the alterations and the editing. These hands cut out or added whatever they disliked or liked. In fact, it is the literary state of the Quran itself that can be shown as proof of its none-divine origin.
14 The historical and recorded existence of the Satanic Verses cast a gigantic shadow upon the veracity and 'divine' origin of the Quran especially with the enormous number of Abrogated and Abrogating Surahs (verses that were either modified or taken out completely).
The Almighty and the Divine would not have to change His 'mind' as time and situations change. The Almighty, by definition, is prescient and all knowing and hence 'already' knows the answers without having to change instructions to suit changing situations.
15 Since there has never been found any written Arabic text in any way shape or form to compare the Quran with, it is then impossible to evaluate whether or not the manner in which the Quran is written is based upon precedence.
Pagan Arabia was almost totally devoid of any written records on any material, not even on stone or clay. They were among the most illiterate peoples of the Middle East, but among the best in Oral deliveries.
16 There are no coins or documents or any other records that mention the Hijrah date in the seventh century. This must have become the standard after the establishment of the Arab Empire for the purposes of correspondence when Islam became the State Religion.
17 It was invariably Muhammad and his followers who broke the treaties that they 'signed' with the other tribes: the Jews of Medina, Mecca and other places, the Quraysh of Mecca, the Christians of Najran and others.
It was Muhammad and his followers who invariably violated the sanctity of the Forbidden Months to ambush the caravans of the Quraysh. All the treaties that he signed were for temporary purposes only to give him time to consolidate and then to unilaterally break them. Umar ibn al Khattab followed exactly the same methodology when he became Khalifa.
18 It was Muhammad who attacked the unsuspecting Quraysh caravan at Badr in the month of Ramadhan 624. It was he who unilaterally abrogated his treaty of Hudaybiyya of 628 with the Quraysh. They honoured the treaty in 629 but he violated it in 630 by attacking and occupying Mecca.
19 It was Muhammad who turned upon the Jews of Medina who gave him protection by dispossessing them of their lands and their wealth, forcing some to convert and later murdering or exiling the remainder.
20 For every one of these actions Muhammad justified with a MADE to ORDER 'Aya' that was very conveniently 'revealed and descended' by Allah AFTER the event and in hindsight.
21 The historical 'record' of the rise of 'Islam' is fraught with discrepancies and inaccuracies. Dates of events that were 'fixed' as accurate in later centuries, were not shown or recorded in the earliest of the Islamic records and narratives; this plainly means that they were 'added' in as was necessary by later 'authors' without any of them having any foundations in 'fact'. In this manner, Muhammadan theologians were able to 'clearly' interpret very vague, unsubstantiated and unclear passages of the Quran.
22 The greatest damage to the Quran - and its evolution - was perpetrated by the early 'Muslim' theologians. They changed it from a vibrant and pliable religious guide to a petrified, unchanging and uncompromising one.
They have forced all 'Muslims' to live in the constrained era of Muhammad and the past without allowing them a path for progress and change. They condmned the followers of Muhammad to the TWILIGHT ZONE of a TIME WARP fixed in the Seventh Century.
23 If the Quran were truly a superior and more advanced theological book than the Torah and the New Testament, why then does it allow
a) the practice of slavery to be continued?
b) The increased discrimination and under-privilege of women?
c) The inhumane punishment for theft? etc.
24 Almost every verse of 'revelation' that was initiated by Muhammad was done in the depth of dark nights - invariably without other independent witnesses - and in response to a specific event, a personal need or action taken by him to justify them. All the traditions that the pagan Arabs had before Islam were made 'HALAL' by Muhammad in 'revelation' after 'revelation' as the occasions required.
Being the only one who was communicating with the angel Gabriel on a daily basis for almost
23 years, it is not much of a wonder that Muhammad was able to cover all occasions and events as and when they suited him.
It was all diabolically simple, ingenious and totally infallible. Even when he did make a serious mistake such as the direction of the Qiblah and the Satanic Verses, he was able to get away with them by producing instantly 'revised' versions.
Those whom Muhammad was duping were after all illiterate, gullible, superstitious and simpleton pagans who became awed by his hallucinations and stories of how he had direct and intimate contacts with Gabriel the Angel/Messenger of the most important god of pagan Mecca, Allah.
He regaled them with promises of incredible pleasures in Paradise if and when they died for "Allah and his messenger". It was always the case of associating Allah with his messenger, so much so, that Allah became a vehicle to elevate Muhammad to the level of the Divine in the eyes of his followers.
25 The same interpreter and other interpreters of the Quran - who quote from Western intellectuals who critique the Bible - use from them whatever suits their nefarious purposes to inflict damage, aspersions and calumny upon the Jews and Christians, but would NEVER accept any similar criticism of their beliefs.
26 The followers of Muhammad are definitely KUFFAR because they invoke the name of Allah in vain and in causes inciting and glorifying death and destruction and not peace, not compassion nor mercy. Moreover they are KUFFAR because only a KAFFIR murders other 'Muslim' believers such as the Jews.
27 Muhammad was morbidly obsessed with the Hereafter in terms not found among the Jews or the Christians.
28 There is no logical or fair way that one can show beyond a reasonable doubt, which of the Hadith stories are TRUE since all of them depend on hear-say, conjecture, failed memories, fertile imagination, editing, interpolation and lies propagated over 150-250 yeas after the death of Muhammad; all of these are made legitimate by attributing to them the aura of 'divine' inspirations.
29 Muhammad was extremely SUPERSTITIOUS believing in the Evil Eye, Satan, Evil Spirits etc. that are reflected in numerous verses of the Quran.
30 Muhammad believed totally in the purification powers of WATER irrespective of it being stagnant or flowing. As usual, he did not appreciate the Biblical injunction of RUNNING water because his understanding of cleanliness was far below that of the Jewish tradition.
31 Muhammad had so fully convinced himself of his mission as the messenger of Allah, that he had no humility in this regard and would countenance no disobedience or opposition from anyone. His arrogance knew no bounds and was the opposite to the characters of Moses or Abraham. His self-delusion was total and 'real'. He always addressed himself and encouraged his followers to use the title
'the apostle of Allah'.
32 It should not be a great wonder as to why he received so many followers, since they were promised and allowed all the following as long as they believe in
'Allah and his apostle':
1. Paradise is theirs for the taking
2. They are allowed booty (enemy enslavement), rape and pillage to their hearts' desires as long as they shared them fairly with their 'brother' pirates
3. Muhammadan men are promised eternal carnal and sensual pleasures - with 72 virgins each- if they died fighting for Allah & Muhammad (Jihad)
4. In real life, the men are allowed 4 wives who have to be submissive to their desires and will and who could be divorced and/or beaten without reason and at will
5. All crimes committed against any and all 'none believers' resulted in no or very little punishment.
Most crimes were absolved with a minimum number of Prostrations and/or Prayers and/or the giving of alms.
33 Muhammad believed totally in the pre-destination of humanity. The concept of FREE WILL had no relevance, was unacceptable and beyond his intellectual grasp.
34 The Hadiths are replete with prohibitions insisted upon by Muhammad for the sole reason that the prohibited items were of the tradition of the Jews. This indicates that the influence of the Jews among the pagan Arabs was much more wide-spread and pervasive than Arabists try their best to obsecure.
Other important prohibitions were made because he himself disapproved of something or other (such as garlic, drinking wine, bad breath, etc) and then had them sanctioned by appropriate 'revelation' that were very conveniently descended to him through the angel Gabriel.
35 Like ALL false prophets, Muhammad made several very important predictions, not one of them came true. The Hadiths are full of them.
36 According to the Bible, the week is made up of seven days. The Quran finds it difficult to accept that God 'rested' on the Sabbath, the seventh day, after having finished the creation in six days. Muhammad's Quran understanding of the term 'rested' is that He became 'tired', which is of course total nonesense and is not according to its concept in the Torah.
The concept of the Sabbath only means that on the seventh day the God of Israel 'ceased the process of creation'. There was no more creation to be done. One should ask the Muhammadan theologians to explain what God did on the seventh day?
Because of this stupid misunderstanding - one among hundreds in the Quran - neither Muhammad nor his followers had or have a 'day of rest'. Their Sabbath, Friday, is a day for prayers and not of rest.
37 The mantra repeated by the followers of Muhammad that Islam is a religion of peace can be easily and demonstrably refuted through their own Quran, Hadiths, and historical records.
Khalid ibn al Walid was not titled "Saif al Islam" meaning the Sword of Islam because he was a pious preacher of the new faith. It was he who subjugated by the sword, the Arab tribes who had rebelled against the belief system and CULT of Muhammad after his death.
It is a fact that the whole foundation of the 'Islamic' theocratic polity was built entirely through wars of aggression and subjugation. It was the Arabs who after all invaded their neighbours and beyond.
38 Whilst Moses brought the Israelites to the One and Only God by democratic means, Muhammad and his followers used force, warfare and terror to convert theirs.
While the miracles of Moses were made in broad daylight and in front of an audience of hundreds of thousands, Muhammad's 'miracles' came about, invaraibly, in the dead of night without a single other witness to any of them.
39 In the 'tradition' of his followers, Muhammad had scribes writing down all his 'gems'. If true, why then did he need memorisers for the Quran?
Why was the Quran compiled and written down after his death?
What was the reason why his own scribe, Abd Allah Ibn Sa'd Ibn Abi Sarh deserted him and apostasised?
It was because he was allowed to change the words of some of the verses that were allegedly 'descended' to Muhammad from Allah through Gabriel. Even a relatively gullible man like Ibn Sa'd, was able to comprehend the enormity of Muhammad's duplicity and fraudulence. When Muhammad 'conquered' Mecca, Ibn Sa'd was one of ten people who were to be shown no mercy and to have been murdered by Muhammad and/or his thugs.
40 If the tribes that existed in the areas north of the Peninsula such as in Syria, Iraq etc were Arab, why then did they write and talk in Aramaic or Syriac?
The Jews after all used Aramaic and Hebrew at the same time, for the secular and the sacred. Has anything been found in the whole of these lands that was written in the Arabic style or language?
Petra and the Christian tribes that were Arabised later on under the sword and onslaught of the Muhammadans, did not communicate in the Arabic language. Is this not a very important indication that they do not automatically have to be Arab in origin? If all of them were so, then of course, the Hebrews must also have been Arabs, including of course Abraham and all his descendants. If so, how then could the Arabs be also descended from Ishmael?
Is it logical or conceivable that the Arabian Peninsula - a most inhospitable place for life - can be the source of the Semitic peoples of the Middle East? Can a mostly desolate land with very little water resources and hence cultivation be the fountain of regular migrations of tribes because of 'population explosion'?
This assumes that the first peoples of Arabia came from Africa - modern Somalia and Ethiopia - across the narrow water divide instead of from Egypt then Sinai and through Canaan, Aram/Syria and Iraq. It also assumes that those Arabian hordes were able to invade and settle without much opposition by the much more advanced and ordered civilizations that already existed in those lands.
Egypt for one, had a serious aversion to Semitic tribes which were only allowed in its territory under special conditions across her well guarded frontier in the Sinai. There are no records anywhere in Arabia to attest to such mass movements. I believe that historians used the Muhammadan invasions in the 7th century as an unsubstantiated model for such a theory.
Who led such migrations?
Did whole tribes just decide to uproot and leave?
Did they migrate one tribe at-a- time or numerous ones?
From which part of Arabia did they migrate?
Since according to historians, the first civilization of Iraq was that of Sumer, who were not Semitic, who were they then?
Where did they come from?
There are hundreds of questions but few answers. Were the Hebrews Arabs or are the Arabs descendants of the Hebrews?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Errors Found Within the Quran:
A) Contradictions With the Bible Which Point to Errors-
Abraham & Ishmael
Ishmael OR Isaac sacrifice?
Moses & Aaron
Jesus was NOT Crucified ?
Uzair son of God?
Talut OR Joshuah?
B) Internal Contradictions Which Point to Errors-
Mariam/Mary & Imran
Pharaoh & Haman
C) Errors Which Contradict Secular, historical and Scientific Data
Sun sets in a PUDDLE
Earth is FLAT
Mountains hold Earth in place
Alexander the Great was a Muslim
Several VERSIONS of Creation
Pharaoh's Cross
Other Scientific problems
D) Absurdities-
Mount Sinai lifted OVER the Israelites
Man's Greatness
Seven Earths
Jinns & Shooting Stars
Solomon's power over nature
Youth and dog sleep 309 years
People become apes
Sodom & Gomorrah turned upside-down
Jacob's smell & sight
Night/Day/Sun/Moon are subject to man
E) Grammatical Errors-
F) The EDITED and TAMPERED with Sources of the Quran-
G) MODIFIED Stories which Correspond with the Biblical Accounts-
Cain and Abel
Mt Sinai
Solomon and Sheba
Mary, Imran and Zachariah
H) Stories Which DO NOT Correspond with the Biblical Account-
Heaven and Hell
Satan's Refusal to Worship Adam
None death of Jesus
Harut and Marut
The Cave of 7 Sleepers
The Sirat
Jesus's Birth
Etc., Etc.
All the above ANOMALIES, INCONCISTENCIES, INCONGRUITIES, CONTRADICTIONS, MISINFORMATION, DISINFORMATION and MENDACITIES of the Quran can be FULLY and EASILY explained, the moment the reader comes to the ONLY possible explanations:
That every letter, every word, every verse/aya or every chapter of the Quran are the product of Muhammad's own imagination, his
but very cleverly projected into the UNSUSPECTING mouth of Allah, the ROCK god of Pagan Arabia, embedded in the wall of the Ka'ba, called the BLACK STONE.
Hence, Allah - the Rock god of Pagan Arabia and the Quran - is NOT and cannot be the God of Israel, of Christianity, of Zoroaster or anybody else. Neither could a ROCK 'REVEAL' anything to Muhammad or anyone else.
The CONUNDRUM is now immediately and very logically
The Quran is NOT DIVINE because Allah, Gabriel and Muhammad are actually one and the same: Muhammad himself.